Placebo Effect
The placebo effect (from the Latin placēbō, I will please) is the set of effects on health produced by the administration of a placebo, which can be in the form of a pill, a therapy, self-medication or a simple statement without any scientific reason, such as faith or hope, which reflect a positive change in the person who is carrying it out, are not due to the specific effect of any medical or psychotherapeutic act.
In medical research, the placebo effect appears in different situations and depends on the degree of suggestion. The most common placebos include sugar pills, infusions and placebo surgeries can also be any other procedure in which false information is given to the patient. The positive effects of placebo disappear when patients are informed of the reality of the drug they are taking.
It is also cause of non-conventional working medicine methods, in which patients are cured only if they believe in the cure, not because the applied method is always effective against that disease. However, the effectiveness of conventional medicine treatments is partly due to the placebo effect, which is why this effect must be taken into account in all clinical trials to assess the real efficacy of the drug or study therapy. Unconventional therapies should undergo the same screening and experimental filters to assess their real effect.

The sculpture Placebo, a post-impressionist figure with a symbolist tendency, in which *the work of art will first be idealistic, since its only ideal must consist of the expression of the idea; secondly, it will be symbolist, since it will express this idea in a form; thirdly, it will be synthetic since it will write its forms, its signs according to a method of general understanding, fourthly, it will be subjective since the object will never be considered as a subject, but rather as a sign perceived by the individual, fifthly , the work accommodates a thousand more interpretations*.
Approximately 5 meters high, he recreates viewer's imagination, Placebo himself, is the result of a long career work, more than 35 years of research by artist Fred Friedrich, now is linked to this Placebo-effect, which began with a small artwork made in clay, around 29 centimetres high. Today we can admire a beautiful great and unique bronze sculpture based in a 500 tons of bronze history.
Conscientiously pushing to see images that will be revealed from within the same work of art.
Placebo is a man figure, positioned on levitation attitude, describes with his left hand an extended stroke towards the front, which with the open hand symbolises holding something to give to Humanity.
On the other hand, the right hand is even more inquisitive than the left, since the latter invites you to taste a pact with him showed with his index finger.
It's all a matter of believing:
* Nothing is Real *.
Descartes declared philosophically
"I think, therefore I am".
Fred Friedrich declares in his life Motif: Credo ergo sum, *Ich glaube, also bin ich*, *I believe, therefore I am* within the philosophical German *Gesamtkunstwerk*, an ideal work of art where Placebo shows the aesthetics of art forms or strives to do so.
The symbolic structure of Placebo is located on a descriptive map of Mesopotamian area, between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, observing the cities of Uruk, Babel, Akkad, Kish, Assur, El Mari, Mosul, Nineveh and Aleppo, places of transcendental historical and religious importance.
Friedrich describes the paleo-Babylonian epic of the surviving Sumerian poems, are describe around this base.
Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld.
The poem Gilgamesh describes Gilgamesh’s revolt against his overlord Aga of Kish. Also defeat of the giant Huwawa and the Bull of Heaven, includes also the famous Flood.
In the epic, Gilgamesh is a demigod of superhuman strength who befriends the wild Enkidu. Together, they embark on many journeys, most famously defeating Humwawa and the Bull of Heaven, who is sent to attack them by Ishtar after Gilgamesh rejects her offer for him to become her consort. After Enkidu dies of a disease set as punishment from the gods, Gilgamesh becomes afraid of his death and visits the sage Utnapishtim, the survivor of the Great Flood, hoping of find immortality. Gilgamesh repeatedly fails the trails set before him and returns home to Uruk, realising that immortality is beyond his reach.
The development of the concept of immortality in the ancient Mesopotamian cities can be known thanks to the epic of Gilgamesh, which was written approximately in 2500 BC. C. and it is the first text that gives us detailed information about one of the most influential kings in the history of Uruk, who, thanks to his journeys, undertakes a last journey in search of immortality. It can be seen that this search is undertaken due to a
strong motivation for the death of Enkidu, influencing Gilgamesh by his great belief in immortality.
In the epic, it is briefly related that the gods possess this valued virtue since creation, which is exclusively reserved for them.
The concept of immortality can be taken and appreciated as a by-product of religion, which is considered sacred due to its divine attributes and is fundamental to the structuring of Mesopotamian civilisation. In addition, immortality is considered one of the highest virtues that man can achieve due to his direct and intimate relationship with the gods.
( The Epic of Gilgamesh was rediscovered in the Library of Ashurbanipal in 1849. After being translated in the early 1870s, it caused widespread controversy due to similarities between portions of it and the Hebrew Bible. Gilgamesh remained mostly obscure until the mid- 20th century, but, since the late 20th. Century, he has become an increasingly prominent in modern culture.)

Digital Diktatur
Typically, in a dictatorial regime the country's leader is identified with the title of dictator, although his formal title may look more like something similar to leader. A common aspect that characterises dictators is taking advantage of their strong personality, generally suppressing free speech and mass discourse, to maintain complete political and social supremacy and stability. Dictatorship and totalitarian societies generally employ political propaganda to lessen the influence of advocates of alternative systems of government. Dictatorship is a form of government in which absolute power is concentrated in
the hands of a leader or a *small clique* or *governmental organisation*, and aims at the abolition of political pluralism and civil mobilisation.
A new form of government that in the 20th century has ushered in a new political era and is commonly linked to the concept of dictatorship is totalitarianism.
This form of government is characterised by the presence of a single political party and, more specifically, by a powerful leader who commands his personal and political prominence. The two fundamental aspects that contribute to the maintenance of power are: a constant collaboration between the government and the police force, and a highly developed ideology.
Here, the government has: "total control of mass communications and social and economic organisations."
According to Hanna Arendt, a prominent political scientist, said that totalitarianism is a new and extreme form of dictatorship made up of "isolated and atomised individuals". Indeed, this political model is seen today disguising puppets, dressed in similar uniforms and not every idea will diverse either.
In general, there are two research approaches to measure, what kind of dictatorship it is: the minimalist approach, which focuses on whether a country has continuous elections that are competitive, and the substantive approach, which broadens the concept of democracy to include human rights, it is not a real freedom of expression and the state of
law. The Democracy-Dictatorship index is seen as an example of the recurring, minimalist approach established as a model in current societies.
Starting from this political totalitarianism in the world, digitalisation supposes the *action and effect of digitising*, in turn. it can record data digitally or convert or encode data or information of a continuous nature into digit numbers, such as a photographic image, or a document, or a book.
In communications, digitising transcribes analog signals to digital signals, resulting in an analog-to-digital conversion process.
In companies, digitisation is associated with the digital transformation of business, enabling, improving, or evolving business functions, business operations, customer management models, and/or communication processes, taking advantage of digital technologies.
Thus, the Digital Series, *Digitale Diktatur*, was born, created to support the correct premise of severe control in all the mentioned media, in today's society.
Algorithmized digitisation detects your needs wherever you are; control your information, focus your interests and sell what you need. Pure totalitarianism created humans under a Placebo effect of believing in something that is not real, nothing that the screen grants will have to do with existing reality, causing that pleasant effect of satisfaction and satisfied need.
All this structured Digital-Placebo , directed, decided in just a pair of hands: Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg...
Which determine, decide, coordinate, have, manage, distribute, control, accept, etc..: INFORMATION!!!!
If you do not agree with their viral principles, they will have the POWER in their fingers, to press a single key: ESC.
Erase your insignificant little existence from the history of the viral map.
Nely L. Friedrich